Seminar animasi bersama Dreamtoon Animation. Seminar animasi ini berada dalam rangkaian acara Techno Fair 2015.


Berfoto bersama anggota Akademik BEM FIKTI periode 2014 - 2015. Berfoto dalam seminar terakhir dalam rangkaian acara Techno Fair 2015.


Berfoto bersama anggota HeySuccess Indonesia dalam acara seminar yang diadakan di FX, Sudirman, Jakarta.


Suasana seminar IT SOUL (IT Security Operation Using Linux)bersama bapak Jemiro Kasih.


Program form Controller untuk menggerakkan perangkat Robobuilder, menggunakan software Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express Edition.

Selasa, 30 Desember 2014


A short message or record used for internal communication in a business.Once the primary form of internal written communication, memorandums (or memos) have declined in use since the introduction of email and other forms of electronic messaging.


From the Latin, "to bring to remembrance"

Examples and Observations:

  • "Abide by this one main rule in every memo-writing situation:
    Be clear, brief, and tactful.
    Because many activities are competing for their time, readers expect information to be related as quickly and clearly as possibly. Yet be sure not to sacrifice tact and sensitivity as you strive to achieve conciseness."
    (William Sanborn Pfeiffer, Technical Writing: A Practical Approach. Prentice Hall, 2003)

  • How to Organize a Memo
    "The following guidelines will help you structure a memo:
    - Use a clear subject line.
    - State your purpose in the first paragraph.
    - Summarize any potential objections.
    - Keep the paragraphs short.
    - Use subheads between paragraph groups.
    - Use bulleted and numbered lists.
    - Request action."
    (Mitchell Ivers, Random House Guide to Good Writing. Ballantine, 1991) 
  • Purpose of Memos
    "Memos are used within organizations to report results, instruct employees, announce policies, disseminate information, and delegate responsibilities. Whether sent on paper, as emails, or as attachments to emails, memos provide a record of decisions made and actions taken. They also can play a key role in the management of many organizations because managers use memos to inform and motivate employees. . . .

    "Adequate development of your thoughts is crucial to the clarity of your message, as the following example indicates:
  • ABRUPT Be more careful on the loading dock.
  • DEVELOPED To prevent accidents on the loading dock, follow these procedures:
    1. Check . . .
    2. Load only . . .
    3. Replace . . .
Although the abrupt version is concise, it is not as clear and specific as the developed version. Do not assume your readers will know what you mean. Readers who are in a hurry may misinterpret a vague memo."
(Gerald J. Alred, Charles T. Brusaw, and Walter E. Oliu, Handbook of Technical Writing, 8th ed., Bedford/St. Martin's, 2006) 

E-mail (electronic mail) is the exchange of computer-stored messages by telecommunication. (Some publications spell it email; we prefer the currently more established spelling of e-mail.) E-mail messages are usually encoded in ASCII text. However, you can also send non-text files, such as graphic images and sound files, as attachments sent in binary streams. E-mail was one of the first uses of the Internet and is still the most popular use. A large percentage of the total traffic over the Internet is e-mail. E-mail can also be exchanged between online service provider users and in networks other than the Internet, both public and private.

E-mail can be distributed to lists of people as well as to individuals. A shared distribution list can be managed by using an e-mail reflector. Some mailing lists allow you to subscribe by sending a request to the mailing list administrator. A mailing list that is administered automatically is called a list server.

E-mail is one of the protocols included with the Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite of protocols. A popular protocol for sending e-mail is Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and a popular protocol for receiving it is POP3. Both Netscape and Microsoft include an e-mail utility with their Web browsers.


 Form Junkie to Pro

A destructive obsession can be turned into a success. In his second year of high school, Bisri started online gaming. Soon it started to mess up his life. He skipped meals, showers, and toilet breaks. He did not sleep much, was late for school and argued with his family. When his classmates graduated and he failed, Bisri was shocked. He came home and deleted all the games on his computer. For a week he had the symptoms of a drug addict withdrawal : stomachache, headache and extreme sweating. It was hard but he held on. He finished school a year later, was accepted in a game designing school and got a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. Now, he creates  games  that can only be played once a week for an hour. He keeps campaigning againts game addiction. Playing games  is fine as long as it does not control your life.

Unsung Heroes

One day in the early 1940’s, several injured guerilla fighters came to poor farmer named Dodit. Despite his limitations, Dodit did all he could to help fighters. He tended their wounds and gave them a place to sleep in his humble hut, hiding them from the Dutch troops. A few days later, another bunch of soldiers who were seriously injured appeared at the door. In spite of their great fear of being discovered by the Dutch, Dodit and his wife also gave them shelter, food, and all the care they needed. Finally, when all the fighters were back on their feet, they left the kind couple with renewed strength and spirit.

Classified of Paintings

Based on the media used, paintings can be classfied into three types : oil, pastel and acrylic. The first oil paintings, using drying oil. Oil paint has become the main medium to create artworks. Raden Saleh and Basuki Abdullah, famous Indonesian painters, used oil point. The second type is pastel paintings, using a painting medium in the form of sticks. Each stick consists of a powdered pigment and a binder. The same pigments are used to produce all colored art media, including oil paint. Because the surface of a pastel painting is fragile and easily gets dirty, it needs to be protected, such as by using a glass frame. Indonesian painters Sholihin, Kusnadi, and Soenarto use a pastel. The third type be made thinner with water, but becomes water resistant when dry. The finished acrylic painting can resemble a watercolor or an oil painting. One Indonesian painter who use acrylic is Maruto.

Are They Different?

Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) TV and Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) TV have similirities as well as differences. Both CRT and LCD TV’s function mainly as a medium for visual entertainment, and are affordable for most households. However their differences are quite clear. First, the CRT is bulky and heavy but LCD is slim and slight. Second CRT screen resolution is excellent, with high energy consumption, while LCD screen resolution is poor, with relatively low energu consumption. Third CRT radiation can harm viewers who watch TV too long, whereas LCD TV releases a low mount of radiation will not harm viwers.

Flash Flood

A flash flood, localized flooding, usually happens on a sloping ground along a small creek over a relatively short time. Torrential rain, as well as melting ice and snow, high up on a hill or in a mountainous area, charges down and can change a 15 to 30 cm deep creek into a 1.5 m deep raging river in one or two hours. The roaring water will reach well above a creek’s banks. A flash flood recedes as rapidly as it accours. However the damage to the sorrounding areas can be devastating because extremely fast moving water is very powerful. It sweeps awaly people, animals, and objects such as houses and vehicles in seconds.