Seminar animasi bersama Dreamtoon Animation. Seminar animasi ini berada dalam rangkaian acara Techno Fair 2015.


Berfoto bersama anggota Akademik BEM FIKTI periode 2014 - 2015. Berfoto dalam seminar terakhir dalam rangkaian acara Techno Fair 2015.


Berfoto bersama anggota HeySuccess Indonesia dalam acara seminar yang diadakan di FX, Sudirman, Jakarta.


Suasana seminar IT SOUL (IT Security Operation Using Linux)bersama bapak Jemiro Kasih.


Program form Controller untuk menggerakkan perangkat Robobuilder, menggunakan software Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express Edition.

Selasa, 30 Desember 2014


A short message or record used for internal communication in a business.Once the primary form of internal written communication, memorandums (or memos) have declined in use since the introduction of email and other forms of electronic messaging.


From the Latin, "to bring to remembrance"

Examples and Observations:

  • "Abide by this one main rule in every memo-writing situation:
    Be clear, brief, and tactful.
    Because many activities are competing for their time, readers expect information to be related as quickly and clearly as possibly. Yet be sure not to sacrifice tact and sensitivity as you strive to achieve conciseness."
    (William Sanborn Pfeiffer, Technical Writing: A Practical Approach. Prentice Hall, 2003)

  • How to Organize a Memo
    "The following guidelines will help you structure a memo:
    - Use a clear subject line.
    - State your purpose in the first paragraph.
    - Summarize any potential objections.
    - Keep the paragraphs short.
    - Use subheads between paragraph groups.
    - Use bulleted and numbered lists.
    - Request action."
    (Mitchell Ivers, Random House Guide to Good Writing. Ballantine, 1991) 
  • Purpose of Memos
    "Memos are used within organizations to report results, instruct employees, announce policies, disseminate information, and delegate responsibilities. Whether sent on paper, as emails, or as attachments to emails, memos provide a record of decisions made and actions taken. They also can play a key role in the management of many organizations because managers use memos to inform and motivate employees. . . .

    "Adequate development of your thoughts is crucial to the clarity of your message, as the following example indicates:
  • ABRUPT Be more careful on the loading dock.
  • DEVELOPED To prevent accidents on the loading dock, follow these procedures:
    1. Check . . .
    2. Load only . . .
    3. Replace . . .
Although the abrupt version is concise, it is not as clear and specific as the developed version. Do not assume your readers will know what you mean. Readers who are in a hurry may misinterpret a vague memo."
(Gerald J. Alred, Charles T. Brusaw, and Walter E. Oliu, Handbook of Technical Writing, 8th ed., Bedford/St. Martin's, 2006) 

E-mail (electronic mail) is the exchange of computer-stored messages by telecommunication. (Some publications spell it email; we prefer the currently more established spelling of e-mail.) E-mail messages are usually encoded in ASCII text. However, you can also send non-text files, such as graphic images and sound files, as attachments sent in binary streams. E-mail was one of the first uses of the Internet and is still the most popular use. A large percentage of the total traffic over the Internet is e-mail. E-mail can also be exchanged between online service provider users and in networks other than the Internet, both public and private.

E-mail can be distributed to lists of people as well as to individuals. A shared distribution list can be managed by using an e-mail reflector. Some mailing lists allow you to subscribe by sending a request to the mailing list administrator. A mailing list that is administered automatically is called a list server.

E-mail is one of the protocols included with the Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite of protocols. A popular protocol for sending e-mail is Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and a popular protocol for receiving it is POP3. Both Netscape and Microsoft include an e-mail utility with their Web browsers.


 Form Junkie to Pro

A destructive obsession can be turned into a success. In his second year of high school, Bisri started online gaming. Soon it started to mess up his life. He skipped meals, showers, and toilet breaks. He did not sleep much, was late for school and argued with his family. When his classmates graduated and he failed, Bisri was shocked. He came home and deleted all the games on his computer. For a week he had the symptoms of a drug addict withdrawal : stomachache, headache and extreme sweating. It was hard but he held on. He finished school a year later, was accepted in a game designing school and got a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. Now, he creates  games  that can only be played once a week for an hour. He keeps campaigning againts game addiction. Playing games  is fine as long as it does not control your life.

Unsung Heroes

One day in the early 1940’s, several injured guerilla fighters came to poor farmer named Dodit. Despite his limitations, Dodit did all he could to help fighters. He tended their wounds and gave them a place to sleep in his humble hut, hiding them from the Dutch troops. A few days later, another bunch of soldiers who were seriously injured appeared at the door. In spite of their great fear of being discovered by the Dutch, Dodit and his wife also gave them shelter, food, and all the care they needed. Finally, when all the fighters were back on their feet, they left the kind couple with renewed strength and spirit.

Classified of Paintings

Based on the media used, paintings can be classfied into three types : oil, pastel and acrylic. The first oil paintings, using drying oil. Oil paint has become the main medium to create artworks. Raden Saleh and Basuki Abdullah, famous Indonesian painters, used oil point. The second type is pastel paintings, using a painting medium in the form of sticks. Each stick consists of a powdered pigment and a binder. The same pigments are used to produce all colored art media, including oil paint. Because the surface of a pastel painting is fragile and easily gets dirty, it needs to be protected, such as by using a glass frame. Indonesian painters Sholihin, Kusnadi, and Soenarto use a pastel. The third type be made thinner with water, but becomes water resistant when dry. The finished acrylic painting can resemble a watercolor or an oil painting. One Indonesian painter who use acrylic is Maruto.

Are They Different?

Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) TV and Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) TV have similirities as well as differences. Both CRT and LCD TV’s function mainly as a medium for visual entertainment, and are affordable for most households. However their differences are quite clear. First, the CRT is bulky and heavy but LCD is slim and slight. Second CRT screen resolution is excellent, with high energy consumption, while LCD screen resolution is poor, with relatively low energu consumption. Third CRT radiation can harm viewers who watch TV too long, whereas LCD TV releases a low mount of radiation will not harm viwers.

Flash Flood

A flash flood, localized flooding, usually happens on a sloping ground along a small creek over a relatively short time. Torrential rain, as well as melting ice and snow, high up on a hill or in a mountainous area, charges down and can change a 15 to 30 cm deep creek into a 1.5 m deep raging river in one or two hours. The roaring water will reach well above a creek’s banks. A flash flood recedes as rapidly as it accours. However the damage to the sorrounding areas can be devastating because extremely fast moving water is very powerful. It sweeps awaly people, animals, and objects such as houses and vehicles in seconds.

Selasa, 11 November 2014


Inquiry Letter
           Inquiry Letter is a letter written to request information and/or ascertain its authenticity. A letter of inquiry deals with various matters like job vacancies, funding, grants, scholarships, projects, sales, pre-proposals and others. The term is common in various business setups as it implies fund request or pre-proposal information. Owing to this usage, the term may be considered exclusive to these setups alone. But that is not the case, to this effect the below definition offers a justified meaning. 

Inquiry Letter Definition

       A document requesting information sent on behalf of an individual or an organisation for their own respective purposes, which can be mutually beneficial to the recipient and the sender.
The term ‘Inquiry’ is same as ‘Enquiry’. The former is more commonly used in U.S. and the latter one is more common in U.K. There are some other terms which represent the letters; these are Letter of Intent, Letter of Interest, Query letter, Prospecting Letter, Pre-proposal Letter and Concept Paper. The term ‘Cover Letter’, ‘Business Letter’, ‘Request Letter’ and ‘Sales Letter’ is also applied to an inquiry letter especially when the objective is same as that of letter for inquiry.
       A letter of inquiry serves to facilitate business operations and satisfaction of the sender. Inquiry letters remove any misunderstanding and are time savers, especially when two parties want to reach an understanding. The communication towards this effect resolves the issue without any delay. With relation to it being a ‘Pre-proposal letter’, the inquiry letter is also termed as a ‘Condensed Version of a Proposal’. It is the outcome of the purpose of the letter which highlights the points of a proposal instead of a full-fledged proposal.
       On an individual’s basis, these letters are sent to companies that are willing to hire but haven't advertised job openings. It can also be a letter addressed to editor in-charge of a publication proposing certain literary work. It can be a letter from a student who is vying for a seat in a college or a business that provides an internship. So, the objective of an enquiry letter is same but its projections and audiences are different. Same goes for its method of delivery, it can be sent via paper mail or electronic mail.
Example Of Inquiry Letter
July 2, 2013
Mr.  Rodrigo Rivera
Personnel Director
Technote Corporation
3152 Bridge Avenue
Boston, MA 02154

Dear Mr. Rivera:

May I ask a favor of you?  Randy del Rosario, a representative of the Leverage Company, recently told me of your success in managing Technote’s training program for the hardcore unemployed.  Our firm is presently planning such a program, and we would appreciate information about the mind-set section of your program.

We expect to begin our training sessions on approximately August 1.  I believe we are prepared for the remedial-education and job-skills portion of the program, but we need help with mind-set section.  Specifically, we would appreciate knowing who you employed to teach that section, the major emphasis in the section, and the length of the section in relation to the entire programs.

I congratulate you on your success in managing Technote’s program, and I believe your ideas would help us solve this long-neglected problem, also.  I look forward to hearing from you.

Very truly yours,

Francisco Fortaleza
Managing Director
 Order Letter

      a letter of order is a document that confirms the details of a purchase of goods or services from one party to another. It usually includes more information about what you are ordering, like quantity, model number, or color, the payment terms, and the matter in which the products are to be shipped. When the recipient receives this letter, they will process the order and send the merchandise.

Order Letter Definition

       An “Order” is an expense for the person placing the order and an income for the one getting it. But this is not all. The company that bags the order has to fulfill lot of commitments to ensure that it has a satisfied customer, which can be an individual or another company. Timely delivery of the order, quality of delivery and after sale service – are all part and parcel of getting an order.

      An Order Letter is the one that is written by the person/company placing the request of purchase from another company. This letter comes into action only when a detailed study of the desired product has been done in the market and based on promised service, quality and price of the product, a decision for a purchase has been made.

     An Order Letter should be drafted very carefully as it needs to pen down all the terms and conditions of the purchase for the benefit of both involved parties. It should have details such as product specifications, quantities, price agreed upon, delivery date, late delivery clauses, etc. It should be addressed to the person responsible for the execution of the order with a copy to the head of department. Since it is totally an official letter it should be typed.

Order Letter Sample


 Mancini Kitchen Equipment

Troy D. Mancini

4220 Straford Park
Harold, KY 41635

Dear Mr. Mancini,

We would like to purchase twenty two (22) individual stand mixers (Model #43423), all in the color red.

 We would like you to charge this purchase to the preexisting account that we have with you, business account #543234.

We hope to receive this order no later than Friday, November 11th, 2009. Attached to this letter please find our preferred shipping method and receiving address.

Please confirm that you received this order by calling us at 232-231-4563 anytime during business hours, Monday to Friday.

Thank you for your cooperation

Keller Kitchen Co.

 Complaint Letter Definition

A letter of complaint, or complaint letter, is normally written to deal with a problem situation when other attempts (i.e. phone contacts, e-mails, etc.) have failed to rectify the situation. The complaint letter formalizes a problem situation by putting it into writing and is usually the last resort to try to get a situation resolved.

Complaint Letter Sample

4739 French St.
Tampa FL 33660

July 18, 20xx
Mr. Kevin McManus
National Manager, Customer Service
Energy Corporation Inc.
Heritage Building, Suite 200
795 Foundation Dr.
New York, NY 10014
RE: EnerCorp Credit Card: 263 181 869 3 900XX

I had been an EnerCorp credit card holder for the previous ten years. Before that, I was a Texacana card-holder for over 20 years. I seem to recall that when EnerCorp took over/bought out Texacana ten years ago, the switch of companies/credit cards was handled smoothly and seamlessly. I wish the same was the case ten years later when EnerCorp recently transferred its credit card operations to NYBank.

I was well aware of the impending changeover to NYBank a couple of months before it happened. I had received a notice of the planned change in the mail, and it was discussed often at my local EnerCorp station when I paid for my gas (with my EnerCorp credit card). More than once, I inquired, and was assured that I would receive a new credit card in the mail before the April 27th deadline. Unfortunately, that did not happen. April 27th came and went, without me receiving a replacement card, or even an application for a new one. Apparently, I am not the only one that this happened to.

After realizing that I was suddenly without a gasoline credit card, after 30 years with one, I called a couple of your 1-800 numbers and I was advised that I would have to re-apply for a credit card with EnerCorp via the NYBank. Incredible as this seemed, I requested an application and one was sent. It appears to be the same kind of application that one fills in after walking in off the street. The fact that I had been a credit card-holder with EnerCorp (and its predecessor Texacana before that) for some 30 years in total, did not seem to cut any mustard with you people, or your friends at the NYBank.

It is hard to believe that companies are still doing business this way in the year 20xx. Have you people (or your colleagues at NYBank) ever heard of the concept of MVC (Most Valuable Customer). Just in case you aren't familiar with this approach, the MVC is the customer that you already have (i.e. me). Normally, these are the customers you don't want to lose. After all, research has revealed that it will cost you seven times as much to find a new customer as it does to keep an existing one (i.e. me). What about current "customer-centric" concepts such as One-to-One marketing? Or, have you ever heard of customer relationships management (CRM)?

For your information, about two years ago American Hardware transferred its credit card management program to Master Card and it was absolutely transparent to American Hardware card-holders who simply received a replacement Master Card before the American card expired. Maybe you should have consulted those companies.

In closing, would you please advise me as soon as possible if EnerCorp (now via NYBank) is still interested in doing business with me, or if what has happened here is your not so subtle way of telling me to do my gasoline business elsewhere.


John Swetnam, M.B.A.
Memo Definition
A short message or record used for internal communication in a business.Once the primary form of internal written communication, memorandums (or memos) have declined in use since the introduction of email and other forms of electronic messaging. 

How to Organize a Memo
"The following guidelines will help you structure a memo:

- Use a clear subject line.
- State your purpose in the first paragraph.
- Summarize any potential objections.
- Keep the paragraphs short.
- Use subheads between paragraph groups.
- Use bulleted and numbered lists.
- Request action."
Sample Memo

To : John O Sea, Head Of Departement
From : Alesia Keysa, Secretary
Date : 19th May 2014
Subject : Meeting

Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014


I. Find the definition of business letter (theory)

A business letter is a formal communication from an organization to its customers, the general public for their information, another Company or the Authorities.  It is often written in a standard format, and in formal language, compared to a private letter between two people who are well known to each other.  The business letter will show things like the address and best way to communicate with the business - by return letter , e-mail or telephone. In general, the letter will be directed to a specific person and be about one topic.  Sometimes, the business letter will be looking for a response, but might be to give important information about an up-coming change of address or telephone number.  The letter might give information about new developments - a new website; launch of a new product.  To allow the sender to handle any response more efficiently, the business letter might contain key information such as an internal reference from the sender or related to the product in question.

II. Mention the types, the parts, the styles of business letter

a) Business letter styles

Business readers expect to receive letters and memos that adhere to an existing format standard. There are several acceptable business letter styles available for use in the professional world. Three such business letter styles include:

Ø Modified Block Style: With this business letter format, the body of the letter is left justified and single-spaced. The date and closing, however, are in alignment in the center of the page.

Ø Block Style: when using this business letter format, the entire letter is left justified and single-spaced except for a double space between paragraphs.

Ø Semiblock Style: similar to the modified block business letter style except that each paragraph is indented instead of left justified.

b) Parts of business letter

Ø The Heading

If you do NOT use letterhead stationery, the heading is located at the top right

of the page and includes the writer's complete mailing address and the date.


******* Laboratory

Technical Development Group

Kobe Steel Ltd

5-5 Takatsukadai 1-chome




Japan 651-2271

March 21 200-

If you DO use letterhead stationery, the address is already printed on the paper;

only the date must be added, at least two spaces below.


.******* Laboratory, Technical Development Group, 5-5 Takatsukadai 1-chome

Nishi-ku, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan 651-2271

March 21 200-

When writing the date, it is best to state MONTH, DAY, YEAR, in that order as

above. Using the short form of the date i.e. 7/10/2001 can sometimes be

confusing. In some countries 7/10/2001 means October 7, 2001.

The heading above is in Semi-Block form. See Layouts to see the Block form.

Ø The Inside Address

The inside address is always placed even with the left margin (left justified) and

at least two (2) spaces below the heading. It contains the full name of the person

being written to-including a proper title - (see Salutations below) and the

complete mailing address.


Dr. Frederick Johnston,

Senior Researcher

Materials Research Laboratory


1649 Telegraph Road


IN 58936USA_

Ø The Salutation

All letters begin with a salutation or greeting. It is placed two spaces below the

inside address and even with the left margin. Most people still use ‘Dear____'

to open their letters.

• When you have a person's name in the inside address, use their name.

• When you do not have a name use ‘Dear Sir' or ‘Dear Madam'.

• When you are addressing a firm or a group of men you can use ‘Gentlemen'.

Use of the correct title is important. Look at the chart below:_

Addressee American Style British Style

Tom Smith Dear Mr. Smith: Dear Mr Smith,

Susan Fox. PhD Dear Dr. Fox: Dear Dr Fox,

Mary Lane Dear Ms. Lane: Dear Ms Lane,

Note that the American style has a period after the title ( Mr. Dr. Ms.). It also

uses a colon (:). The British style does not have a period after the title and uses a

comma (,). Ms. or Ms (pronounced Miz) is now in common use as a female

equivalent to Mr. However, if possible, it is best to find out which title the

woman herself prefers (Ms. or Mrs. or Miss). All of the examples above are in

formal style which should be used for all business letters. Use of the first name

(Dear Tom, Dear Sue, etc) is only for informal, personal letters._

Ø The Body

The body of the letter, or its message, begins two spaces below the salutation. It

is structured in paragraphs, which may or may not be indented, depending on

the layout used. See Layouts.

Hints on structure:

1) Expressing thanks for a favour done._

to someone who invited you


Thank you for inviting me


to someone who called you... Thank you for calling me...

to someone who took you to


Thank you for taking me to


to someone who helped you... Thank you for helping me


2) Writing about future events.

you plan to meet someone I look forward to meeting


you want to receive a reply I look forward to your


you plan to visit someone I look forward to my visit...

someone plans to visit you I look forward to your visit...

you plan to attend a conference I look forward to the


3) When writing to someone you have not met, let the person know why you are

familiar with him or her._

you saw someone's presentation I had the pleasure of attending

your presentation at...

you read someone's article I read your article in the .... with


you saw someone's poster session I had the opportunity to see your

poster session at ...

you participated in someone's


I had the pleasure of participating

in your workshop at ...

4) When asking for a favour, leave the person as much time as possible.

Nevertheless, if you expect to have a reply within a certain time, make that

request specific._

Please let us know as soon as possible.

Please call by the end of July

Please visit us at your earliest convenience.

Please reply by fax before September 10.

5) Referral Statements

telephone Please do not hesitate to

telephone us...

get in touch Please get in touch with our

representative in...

send further enquiries Please send further enquiries to

... at the following address...

someone plans to visit you I look forward to your visit...

contact Please contact... at the

following address...

6) Tone.

A business relationship can often become fairly informal. If you find yourself in

this situation, you can alter the tone of your business correspondence from

impersonal to personal.

Impersonal Personal

Thank you very much (for

your help) ...

Thanks a lot (for your help) ...

I appreciated (your

recommendations) ...

Thanks for (your

recommendations) ....

Please give my regards to (your

secretary) ...

Tell (your secretary ) I said

'Hello' ...

I look forward to (seeing you

next month) ...

It'll be good to (see you next

month) ...

Ø The Closing

The closing of a business letter is placed two spaces below the body. It is a

conventional expression, indicating the formal close of the letter. The first word

is capitalized. Closings end with a comma.

American Style British Style




Respectfully yours,

Yours respectfully,



Sincerely yours,

Yours truly,

Yours faithfully,

(with Dear Sir / Madam)

Yours sincerely,

(with Dear Mr.../ Ms...)


All the best,


Best wishes,

All the best,

Ø The Signature

Every letter should have a handwritten signature. Four to six spaces below this

is the typewritten signature. A woman may include (Miss), (Mrs.) or (Ms.) to

the right of the typewritten signature.

Fujio Yamada

Keiko Suzuki

four to six spaces >>

Keiko Suzuki (Ms)

Fujio Yamada

four to six spaces >>

III. Give one example of business letter

Jumat, 20 Juni 2014


Pada tanggal 09 Juni 2014, bertepat di Balai Sarbini Jakarta, KPU (Komisi Pemilihan Umum) menyelenggarakan debat Capres - Cawapres putaran pertama. Debat Capres - Cawapres ini sendiri merupakan yang pertama, dari 5 putaran yang diagendakan oleh pihak KPU. Perlu diketahui, bahwa masing - masing Capres - Cawapres mengikuti debat putaran pertama ini baik dari calon no 1 Prabowo Subianto dan Hatta Rajasa ataupun calon no 2 Joko Widodo dan Jusuf Kalla. Debat putaran pertama ini bertemakan "Pembangunan Demokrasi, Pemerintahan yang bersih dan Kepastian Hukum".

Pemandu acara debat pertama ini adalah Zainal Arifin Muchtar, Ketua Kajian Anti Korupsi Universitas Gajah Mada. Pada awal acara Zainal Arifin menjelaskan bahwa format debat kali ini dibagi 6 segmen yakni : penyampaian visi misi, pendalaman visi misi, penutup dan pernyataan sikap. Dalam segmen pertama, Zainal Arifin menanyakan kepada kedua pasangan calon mengenai agenda paling utama yang akan disampaikan kepada rakyat Indonesia dengan sesuai tema yang disediakan.

Pada segmen pertama kedua pasangan calon menjawab dengan mengatasnamakan Demokrasi. Dari segmen pertama ini, Prabowo - Hatta lebih mengedepankan secara teoritis sedangkan Jokowi - JK lebih teknis dan prosedural. Lalu pada segmen kedua, pertanyaan yang diajukan adalah mengenai evaluasi dari pemerintahan sekarang. Pada segmen kedua ini, pasangan Prabowo - Hatta lebih mengedepankan masalah kebocoran anggaran negara serta penguatan lembaga KPK sedangkan pasangan Jokowi - JK lebih mengedepankan masalah perencanaan pemerintahan untuk 5 tahun ke depan serta pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Dari segmen ketiga sendiri pertanyaan dan jawaban masih berlangsung damai saja, tetapi saat segmen ke empat Jusuf Kalla mulai menanyakan pertanyaan yang menjatuhkan Prabowo secara individu yaitu mengenai isu pelanggaran HAM di masa lalu. Setelah itu prabowo langsung sigap mengklarifikasi mengenai kejadian itu, akibat jawaban dari Prabowo itu Jusuf Kalla terlihat langsung tersudut. Sungguh sangat disayangkan sekali adu debat yang harusnya hanya membahas mengenai visi misi saja tetapi salah satu pasangan melakukan pertanyaan yang menjatuhkan salah satu pasangan.

Pada segment ke lima dan ke enam sebagai segment penutup, kedua pihak memberikan jawaban yang sesuai dengan pemikiran masing - masing. Dari jawaban Prabowo sendiri lebih menekankan kepada bangsa Indonesia untuk dapat berdiri diatas kaki sendiri, sejahtera pangan dan sandang. Lalu jawaban dari Jokowi sendiri lebih menekankan kepada pembangunan demokrasi, pemerintahan yang bersih dan kepastian hukum.

Jumat, 14 Maret 2014


Karya ilmiah , sebuah karya tulis yang kadang dianggap sukar oleh sebagian siswa , mahasiswa maupun masyarakat umum. Ini disebabkan oleh sistematis penulisan yang terdapat pada suatu karya ilmiah , pembuktian yang  harus ada dilapangan , lalu kemampuan penguasaan suatu bahasa indonesia yang baik dan benar dalam penulisan karya ilmiah menyebabkan hal ini dianggap sukar. Padahal kalau kita mampu mengatasi hal tersebut maka penulisan karya ilmiah akan menjadi mudah.

Kemajuan suatu bangsa juga ditentukan berapa banyak karya ilmiah yang dibuat oleh warga negaranya , seberapa maju tingkat pendidikan dan kejeniusan bangsa tersebut bisa diukur menggunakan karya ilmiah. Hal inilah yang harusnya ditanam para generasi bangsa Indonesia , mereka seharusnya diberi pembekalan mengenai pentingnya penulisan karya ilmiah. Nahh , kali ini saya ingin memberi sedikit kontribusi dalam hal tersebut. Pada kali ini saya akan memberi sedikit ilmu tentang penulisan karya ilmiah yang baik dan benar. Penulisan artikel ini juga saya perolehan dari berbagai sumber yang saya rangkum , hasil pengalaman serta pendapat saya.
Okk , kita mulai saja ya ...

 Secara pengertian , karya tulis ilmiah adalah tulisan yang disusun berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang memenuhi syarat – syarat ilmiah tertentu dan digunakan untuk tujuan tertentu. Ini artinya suatu karya ilmiah harus berdasar penelitian yang dilakukan , dengan berdasar data yang diperoleh , dianalisa , serta disimpulkan lalu dibuat menjadi naskah tersendiri. Sehingga karya tulis ilmiah adalah karya tulis yang menyajikan fakta umum dan ditulis menurut penyusunan penulisan yang baik dan benar. Tidak boleh berbohong atau pun merekayasa tanpa adanya kebenaran dalam data yang ada serta harus bisa menggunakan penyusunan yang sistematis tanpa asal – asalan. Ini berarti suatu karya tulis ilmiah mampu dibuktikan kebenarannya , dan berdasar fakta.

Sebuah karya tulis ilmiah bisa menjadi kuat , jika didalamnya terdapat 3 hal. Pertama , pembuatan karya ilmiah tersebut didukung filosofi yang kuat. Jika kita membuat sebuah percobaan baru , kita harus bisa melengkapinya berdasar fakta serta berbagai penemuan yang ada sebelumnya dari bidang ilmu lain untuk mendukung kekonkretan hasil ilmiah kita. Kedua , dalam penulisannya dilengkapi gagasan – gagasan yang sesuai dengan akal sehat dan mampu dibuktikan sehingga bukan sekadar mitos atau omong kosong belaka. Gagasan -  gagasan tersebut membuat hasil ilmiah kita akan diingat oleh banyak orang sampai kapanpun jika mampu diimplementasikan menjadi sebuah fakta. Ketiga , pemikiran kita dapat diwujudkan dalam kebenaran. Kita harus mampu tidak hanya dalam bentuk teori , karena bentuk teori akan cepat bisa dipatahkan jika tidak didukung dengan prakteknya dilapangan. Teori hanya bisa berisi sebuah pemikiran , tetapi jika kita membuat pemikiran tersebut benar adanya maka kuatlah pemikiran tersebut.

Dalam penulisan karya ilmiah , bahasa yang digunakan adalah bahasa formal , berarti bahasa disini adalah  bahasa yang harus sesuai ejaan yang baik dan benar. Selain itu bahasa yang digunakan tidak berisi gejolak perasaan yang ada. Oleh karena itu tidak boleh menggunakan bahasa metafora , ironi , hiperbola , dsb tetapi harus yang lugas dan sederhana. Ini karena bahasa karya tulis ilmiah berbeda dengan karya tulis sastra , yang menuangkan perasaan penulis atau gejolak yang ada didirinya. Bahasa yang digunakan pun harus tetap menceritakan objek ilmiahnya tidak boleh ada tentang subjeknya alias sang penulis.

Bagaimana ? tidak rumit kan karya tulis ilmiah itu. Tinggal mengikuti aturan main yang ada , dan tinggal menumbuhkan sifat peneliti dalam diri kita maka kemampuan melakukan penulisan karya tulis ilmiah pun akan mudah. Selanjutnya , jika pada bagian atas menceritakan secara singkat apa itu karya tulis ilmiah maka sekarang kita membahas ciri – ciri dan syarat – syarat sebuah karya tulis ilmiah.

Ciri – ciri sebuah karya ilmiah adalah sebagai berikut :
  1. Menyajikan fakta secara objektif dan sistematis.
  2. Penulisnya cermat , tepat , benar , serta tulus.
  3. Tidak mengejar keuntungan pribadi , dalam pengertian tidak berambisi agar pembaca berpihak kepadanya.
  4. Sistematis dalam merencanakan setiap langkah penelitian.
  5. Tidak menonjolkan perasaan penulis.
  6. Tidak membuat pandangan – pandangan tanpa pendukung , kecuali dalam hipotesis kerja.
  7. Hanya memuat kebenaran , alias tidak menimbulkan keraguan.
  8. Tidak melebih – lebihkan sesuatu , yang disajikan hanya kebenaran fakta.
Syarat – syarat karya ilmiah :
  1. Objektif , berarti data yang diperoleh dari kenyataan harus dilaporkan dan dianalisa secara objektif. Selain itu harus dilakukan secara benar , teliti , apa adanya , dan tanpa prasangka.
  2. Sopan dan rendah hati dalam penggunaan kata dan kalimat agar berkesan tidak menggurui    pembacanya.
  3. Jujur , Pendapat atau data yang diperoleh harus disebutkan dengan jelas sumbernya.

Nahh , sudah dijelaskan sebagaimana diatas ciri – ciri dan syarat – syarat sebuah karya tulis ilmiah. Ini berarti ada beberapa aspek jika karya tulis tersebut termasuk karya tulis ilmiah. Tidak boleh asal jadi dan asal publikasikan sebuah karya tulis ilmiah jika tidak memperhatikan hal – hal diatas....
Sampai disini dulu ya , kita lanjut pada edisi selanjutnya...
Terima kasih


Pada kali ini kita akan membahas internet , sesuatu yang sudah tidak asing lagi di telinga kita dan sudah familiar. Tetapi apa sesungguhnya  itu internet , apakah kalian semua tahu?naah , kita juga harus mengerti pengertian internet serta kegunaannya jadi tidak hanya bertindak sebagai user saja. Ok mari kita mulai ..

Internet (Interconneted – network) merupakan sekumpulan jaringan komputer yang menghubungkan berbagai macam situs di dunia. Internet menyediakan akses untuk layanan telekomunikasi dan sumber daya informasi untuk jutaan pemakainya yang tersebar di seluruh dunia. Internet bekerja menggunakan suatu protokol standar yang bisa menghubungkan jaringan komputer dan mengamati lalu lintas dalam jaringan. Protokol ini mengatur format data yang diijinkan , penanganan kesalahan (error handling) , lalu lintas pesan , dan standar komunikasi lainnya. Protokol standar tersebut disebut dengan TCP/IP(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). Protokol ini memiliki kemampuan untuk bekerja pada segala jenis komputer , jadi tidak dibedakan komputer yang berbeda hardware maupun SO yang digunakan.

Perkembangan layanan internet memperlihatkan perkembangan yang signifikan setiap tahunnya , ini dikarenakan ada beberapa keunggulan layanan internet diantaranya :

  1. Komunikasi biaya murah , dengan hanya biaya sedikit kita dapat berkomunikasi.
  2. Sumber informasi mudah dan besar , tinggal ketik lalu search kata kuncinya maka kita dapat apa yang diinginkan.
  3. Tantangan baru dalam berusaha , adanya layanan e – commerce memudahkan para pengusaha untuk menggunakan internet sebagai media promosi.
  4. Keterbukaan (tanpa sensor) , hal ini memang di satu sisi dapat menimbulkan hal negatif dengan mudahnya mengakses segala sesuatu yang negatif. 
  5. Jangkauan tanpa batas , layanan ini dapat menembus benua yang jaraknya begitu jauh sehingga dapat saling berkomunikasi.
    Jika tadi adalah beberapa keunggulan dari internet , maka sekarang mari kita lihat apa saja kegunaan dari internet yang didapatkan dari semua bidang seperti bidang bisnis , pemerintahan , organisasi , pendidikan , dsb) antara lain :

  • Internet sebagai media komunikasi , Hal ini karena dari segi efisiensi waktu internet lebih handal dibanding layanan komunikasi lainnya. Lebih mudah , cepat , dan murah merupakan salah satu layanan yang memanjakan para penggunanya. Ini didukung fakta oleh berbagai pihak , bahwa hanya butuh waktu 3 tahun bagi internet dengan teknologi web seperti email , www(word wide web) , FTP , dsb untuk menjangkau user sebanyak 60 juta orang , sedangkan radio butuh 30 tahun dan 15 tahun bagi televisi untuk seperti itu.
  • Internet sebagai media promosi , diantaranya Image company , registrasi klien , jadwal pengiriman , pemesanan produk , dsb.
  • Internet sebagai media komunikasi interaktif , ada suara , ada gambar , ada teks , semuanya lengkap dalam internet. Lalu dapat digunakan dengan biaya murah dan cepat.
  • Internet sebagai media research dan development.
  • Internet sebagai media pertukaran data , email lalu media skype merupakan salah satu media  yang dapat membuat kita bisa mengirim data secara cepat kepada orang yang kita inginkan.
Gimana begitu besar sekali kan manfaat internet , tidak perlu mengeluarkan uang yang begitu besar , lalu murah dan cepat dalam penyampaian informasinya. Jika kita harus menunggu pagi datang untuk mendapatkan berita baru dari sebuah koran , atau harus menunggu jam tayang acara berita pada tv atau radio sedangkan internet tersedia 24 jam. Hal ini sebuah terobosan di abad 21 ini , media yang bebas untuk mendapatkan informasi.

Untuk bisa melakukan akses internet kita harus menggunakan alat yang dinamakan modem (modulasi demodulasi) yang berperan mengubah signal analog ke digital. Alat ini mampu menghubungkan kita ke internet dengan melakukan konfigurasi TCP/IP.

Berikut ini Glosarium yang berhubungan dengan internet :
  1. Browser : Aplikasi yang digunakan pada komputer untuk mengakses informasi yang ada pada internet.
  2. Browsing : Menelusuri internet.
  3. Dial : Proses terhubungnya komunikasi ke sebuah alamat internet menggunakan suatu alat komunikasi, seperti telepon rumah atau handphone. 
  4. Disconnet : Hubungan jaringan terputus.
  5. Web : Layanan penyedia informasi internet yang berbasis grafis.
  6. Web page : Halaman dalam sebuah web.

Naahh, sudah mengerti kan apa itu internet sebenarnya. Jadi kalian sebagai user tidak hanya bisa menggunakan saja tetapi harus mengerti apa itu internet dan serba – serbinya sehingga menambah pengetahuan kalian tentang internet.
Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat dan berguna .. terima kasih.

Rabu, 19 Februari 2014


BEMF FIKTI dengan bangga mempersembahkan :


Sebuah bentuk pesta masayarakat FIKTI di bidang olahraga terbesar di 2014 dengan peserta melingkupi 3 domisili Universitas Gunadarma, yaitu Depok, Kalimalang, dan Karawaci.

Jenis kompetisi :
1. Futsal (kelasan)
Depok : Golden Stick
Kalimalang : Futsal Town
Karawaci : Raihan Futsal
Biaya pendaftaran : Rp 300.000/kelas
CP : Dewa - 08988877023

2. Bulu Tangkis
Depok : Golden Stick
Kalimalang : GOR Kalimalang
Biaya pendaftaran :
Tunggal putra : Rp 50.000
Ganda putra : Rp 80.000
CP : Toro - 089635600119

Pendaftaran dapat dilakukan di :
Depok : Sambungan gedung 3-4 kampus E, Kelapa dua
Kalimalang : Lobi J-1Kampus J1, kalimalang
Karawaci : Lobi K-1 kampus K, karawaci
Mulai tanggal 11 februari 2014

Ayo!! Daftarkan diri dan kelasmu sekarang juga! Jadilah pemenangnya dan rebut total hadiah jutaan rupiah! Ingat kuota terbatas, ayo daftar sekarang juga!!

Twitter : @UG_BEMFIKTI


Perpustakaan Nasional Menyediakan Akses Jurnal Internasional

Kabar baik bagi rakyat Indonesia yang sekarang sedang menempuh studi di dalam negeri. Perpustakaan nasional RI telah melanggan beberapa database jurnal internasional terkemuka untuk berbagai bidang ilmu, seperti SAGE, Taylor and Francis, Proquest, Gale - Cengage Learning, @My Library, Ulrichs – Periodicals Directory, EBSCO Host, IGI Global, Westlaw, ISEAS dan ALA
Publishing. Anda hanya perlu jadi anggota perpus secara online dan bisa mengakses (mengunduh) jurnal-jurnal tersebut DI MANAPUN ANDA BERADA.

Caranya mudah:
1. Mendaftar dahulu di, dan mendapatkan nomor keanggotaan
2. Kemudian masuk ke untuk mendaftarkan username dan pasword dengan menggunakan nomor keanggotaan
PNRI yang telah didapat. Pihak perpus akan mengirimkan email aktivasi akun anda, dan VOILA!

Mohon bantu menyebarkan ke teman dan kolega yang sedang studi. Mudah-mudahan bisa dimanfaatkan secara maksimal, karena
langganan email ini dibiayai uang rakyat.
Mohon di-share seluas-luasnya. Terima kasih!

Senin, 17 Februari 2014


Menatap angin
Melepas halus dalam genggaman
Menerpa sehelai , dua helai , dan tiga helai
Bagai bersatu dalam  jiwa angin
Berjuta kata terhatur dalam lidah tak bertulang
Melepas kekuatan volume 100% dalam rongga
Terhunus ke dalam jiwa angin
Menerbangkan bait – bait pelampiasan hati

Selama nya masih sampai disini
Sesungguhnya masih ada jiwa
Tetapi tak kan melangkah kembali
Sudah cukup sampai di garis finish

Karena ini , bukan akhir tetapi awal
Karena berarti masih ada jalan di antara banyak kelokan
Berarti masih banyak pilihan dalam A , B , C , dan D
Masih ada the best dari yang paling best

Cukup jangan kembali
Memandang ke depan , dan terus melihat jendela yang lain
Masih banyak panggilan suara hati
Yang kan menebar bait – bait cinta yang lain

Bukan menjadi antagonis
Tetapi untuk something yang lebih hijau
Yang lebih biru daripada langit
Yang lebih merekah daripada sepucuk bunga

Berjalan dengan tenang
Melepas dari jiwa angin yang menyurup dalam diri
Tenang ,  tenang , dan akhirnya
Kembali ke jalan sebenarnya

Kembali ke kerumunan
Dan berkontak sosial bagai kawanan lebah
Dan Berinteraksi bagai pasukan semut