Sabtu, 25 Juli 2015


The Internet started as ARPANET, the computer network for the US research community at the end of 1960s, and has become one of the critical global social infrastructure without which the world does not function properly with around three billion Internet users globally in 2013. [Internet 2014] We access the Internet for every aspect of social life.  We expect around seven billion Internet users globally in 2020s, over 90% of the global population.

Asia started the twenty-first century with 125 million Internet users including Oceania and West Asia [Internet 2014]. This is around one-third of the global Internet users of 360 million.  The penetration rate is around 5%, compared with 9% for the world.  At the end of the first decade of the twenty-first century, 2010, the Internet users in Asia increased to 909 million, 46% of the global Internet users of 1,966 million. The Internet users in Asia passed one billion mark in the following year, 2011.

There were much development on the Internet in addition to the number of users such as telecommunications infrastructure including fixed and wireless/mobile broadband services, mobile phones including smartphones. In the Internet area, we had a new Internet Protocol, called IPv6. The Internet of Things (IoT) started to be deployed in 1990s, and it may take over the Internet for people in 2010s.  Cloud computing with large data centers became very popular starting from 2000s. They will be described briefly in this chapter.

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